No matter whether you are designing a whole web design Murfreesboro Tennessee system or just a couple of screens, symbols in Sketch will help you keep your file organized and will save you a lot of time in the long run.

Today, CSS preprocessors are a standard for web development. One of the main advantages of preprocessors is that they enable you to use variables. This helps you to avoid copying and pasting code, and it simplifies development and refactoring.

To say that responsive web web design Murfreesboro Tennessee has changed our industry would be an understatement at best. We used to ask our clients which resolutions and devices they wanted us to support, but we now know the answer is “as many as possible.

In the first article1 of this series, we walked through how to put together the hardware board and all of its additional components into a single rig. I also gave you a glimpse of the decision-making process behind the selection of the board.

Looking at recent discussions, I feel that more and more people are starting to think about ethically and morally correct work. Many of us keep asking themselves if their work is meaningful or if it matters at all.

For the past few months, I’ve been building a software-as-a-service (SaaS) application, and throughout the development process I’ve realized what a powerful tool Slack (or team chat in general) can be to monitor user and application behavior.

Big news from Google: Within a few months, the infamous search engine will divide its index1 to give users better and fresher content. The long-term plan is to make the mobile search index the primary one.

The world is constantly evolving with frameworks, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and virtual reality (VR). These and many others are opening opportunities to rethink how we approach prototyping: They introduce avenues to marry the digital software with the tangible aspect of the overall user engagement.

The landscape for the performance-minded developer has changed significantly in the last year or so, with the emergence of HTTP/2 being perhaps the most significant of all. No longer is HTTP/2 a feature we pine for.

From time to time, we need to take some time off, and actually, I’m glad that this reading list is a bit shorter as the ones you’re used to.

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