Tournament Media Management
w/Live HD Streaming and Commentating
Production $499
Hotel $150
Travel $100
TOTAL: 499 + Hotel & Travel
We will send out professionals to fully manage your tournaments media experience. This will all be for your main ring which will have at least 2 HD camera angles streaming in 720p @60fps and able to record in 1080p. There will also be a camera on the score screen and added to the overlay on the recording and stream. More cameras will be positioned wherever possible to show the crowd and other areas.

A customized video overlay will be made for your tournament like the one above. It will be in many versions where we will transition from commentators only, to the match only, to advertisements, to the crowd and more. The score will be in most overlays at various positions. We will also display vital tournament logistics like who is currently in holding and who is up next for holding in most of the overlays. Also we take over management of your brackets for your main ring and display this bracket on the stream in the overlay (optional but highly recommended). This overlay video feed will be visible in 3 places, #1 by the commentators, #2 Live on your YouTube, Twitch and/or Ustream channels, and #3 on a 10ft projection screen (we provide) for your audience.

There will be setup for 2 commentators with professional lighting, video and audio. Commentators will also have access to a laptop to be able to see the YouTube chat and respond to viewers. There will also be a wireless mic to use for interviewing fighters, coaches, staff and spectators during the event.

We will go over your layout before hand and figure out the best area to setup. Our equipment, wiring, commentators and anything else will not interfere with judges or ring referees operation in any way.

    Venue Requirements:
  • Access to a power outlet
  • Two 2ft x 6ft tables (or similar)
  • 5 Chairs
  • 2 Commentators (can rotate)