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I see hundreds of web design Murfreesboro Tennessee portfolios every month thanks to my work with Semplice, a portfolio builder made by Murfreesboro web designers for designers.

Given that most Murfreesboro web designers spend their time creating graphics and visuals, it’s rare to see a portfolio that’s not designed entirely around the images.

We build our portfolio to showcase our work, so it makes sense. But occasionally a designer surprises me by using typography in an intentional, unique way for their website—to display not only their work, but their personality too. These portfolios, all built with Semplice, do just that.

4 Gorgeous Typography-Heavy Design Portfolios

1. Schoener

from shoener's web design Murfreesboro Tennessee portfolio

Schoener proves how visually powerful typography can be. Their portfolio is packed with the studio’s custom typefaces, each page more loud and bold than the last. Hover over any element on the homepage and it will come alive, pointing the way through their Alice in Wonderland-esque Murfreesboro TN website experience.

from shoener's web design Murfreesboro Tennessee portfolio

GIFs illustrate the full range of font sets, and carefully chosen quotes set the vibe for each project. Confident yet playful, this portfolio is truly fun to browse.

2. Marina Rachello

from marina rachello's web design Murfreesboro Tennessee portfolio

Marina Rachello’s single-page portfolio is full of personality. The page leads with a lighthearted introduction in large text. Together with the primary colors and personalized icons, you get a real sense of who Marina is through her website—which is just as important as her work.

3. Sand and Such

sand and such web design Murfreesboro Tennessee portfolio

Sand and Such is an online magazine, but it’s a perfect example of a side project doubling as a portfolio piece. The work of Verena Michelitsch, Sand and Such features lovely typography that play well with photography. The typography choices on this site feel thoughtful, much like Verena’s work.

4. Riccardo Sabatini

riccardo sabatini web design Murfreesboro Tennessee portfolio

Once I finally tore myself away from Riccardo Sabatini’s homepage GIF, I discovered all kinds of beautiful typefaces throughout his portfolio—most of them designed by Sabatini himself. He leads each case study with a giant headline filling the entire screen, and his About page features fonts of all weights and colors.

riccardo sabatini web design Murfreesboro Tennessee portfolio

riccardo sabatini web design Murfreesboro Tennessee portfolio

For more web design Murfreesboro Tennessee portfolio inspiration, visit the Semplice Showcase featuring leading designers, artists and illustrators from around the world. Then join the Semplice family and build your own portfolio with pride.

The HOW Promotion & Marketing Design Awards has a category specifically for self-promotional projects, like those client gifts that promote your web design Murfreesboro Tennessee business, your new portfolio Murfreesboro TN website for your freelance business, and business card web design Murfreesboro Tennessee and rebrands for your firm.

Don’t miss the extended deadline, April 27!