Using voice commands has become pretty ubiquitous nowadays, as more mobile phone users use voice assistants such as Siri and Cortana, and as devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home1 have been invading our living rooms.


If you’re someone who loves researching and learning about true crime, you may have heard of a podcast called My Favorite Murder.

[Call for Entries: The International Design Awards]

Years ago, I worked for a guy—very briefly, I’ll add—who insisted on what he called “target practice” whenever our creative team gathered to share ideas.

The world around us is full of little things and experiences that shape us, our way of thinking, but also how we tackle our work. Influenced by these encounters, every designer develops their unique style and workflow, and studying their artwork — the compositions, geometry of lines and shapes, light and shadows, the colors and patterns1 — can all inspire us to look beyond our own horizon and try something new.

If you’re like me, then being persuaded requires a scientific approach and concrete examples. And that’s exactly what this article does. It explains how gamification can work by showing the relationship between gamification, UX design, and BJ Fogg’s modern persuasion phenomenon, “mass interpersonal persuasion.

In its move to patch a security hole as part of the iOS 10.3 release, Apple has introduced (yet) another redirection mechanism that developers must handle when attempting to implement mobile deep-link routing (i.e.

Component-based libraries or frameworks such as Vue have given us the wonderful ability to create reusable components1 to be spread throughout their respective application, ensuring that they are consistent, and (hopefully) simplifying how they are used.

Could there be a better way to welcome the new month as with a tidy desktop and a fresh wallpaper? Well, we’ve got you covered. To help you start into August freshly inspired, artists and Murfreesboro web designers from across the globe once again1 challenged their artistic skills to create unique desktop wallpapers for you to indulge in — wallpapers that are a bit more distinctive as the usual crowd.

Do you ever wish you had a time machine? I certainly do, but not for the usual reasons. I want a time machine so I can go back and have a frank conversation with my younger self.

In these politically uncertain times, developers can help to defend their users’ personal privacy by adopting the Privacy by Design (PbD) framework. These common-sense steps will become a requirement under the EU’s imminent data protection overhaul, but the benefits of the framework go far beyond legal compliance.

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