Finished June 2016
Website Design in Murfreesboro TN by Andrew Kauffman
Premier Murfeesboro Web Designer
Founded in 2014, Corps Valuables specializes in the printing of specialty gift items and products that recognize and honor the men and women who serve our great country. Our dedication to incredible customer service is our #1 value, and we are committed to delivering the highest quality products we can find.
Jay Setchell was raised on a large farm in northern Illinois where he learned that hard work and perseverance were key elements to survival. He put those elements to the test when serving his county as a U.S. Marine during Vietnam. After being critically injured, Jay was medically retired from the Marine Corps and still holds the Corps as one of his greatest achievements.
Jay’s injuries have left him partially paralyzed, but his “can do” attitude has allowed him to continue to accomplish a productive career. As a proficient team player, Jay received multiple Distinguished Management Awards with GTE Sales. After retiring from GTE, he still wasn’t finished with the business world, and his persistence continues to pay off through a successful graphics business, home building business, and other ventures.
Throughout his career and life, he believes that attitude and perseverance are omnipotent. Two sayings that guide him to this day are: “IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME,” and ……… IT’S ALWAYS TOO SOON TO QUIT.