Finished November 2022

Website Design in Murfreesboro TN by Andrew Kauffman
Premier Murfeesboro Web Designer
Patient First Approach - We believe in “first, do no harm”. First and foremost , we will do whatever is best for the patient regardless of the situation. This may mean that our medical recommendations may go against what the family desires. It can be something as simple as asking parents to step out the room so we can speak with the patient privately. This core value will guide us in our vaccine and prescribing practices.
Significance of Family - We believe that the family unit is the most important and influential institution in a person’s life. With that we will make sure that the family unit is taken as a whole and not just the individual patient. We take on families, not patients. The importance of family also includes our employee’s families. That is why we aren’t open on weekends. Weekends should be a time shared with the family, where they can play, bond, worship, rest and entertain together.
Building a Strong Community - An old African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child”. Part of our commitment to our patients is making sure they live in a positive “village”. So giving back to the community will be one of our focuses. This does not mean just monetary donations. That’s too easy and doesn’t demonstrate true concern. It will also mean sweat equity from CPE. This is a communal relationship. We will give back to the community as the community will give to us. We think it important to live, educate, shop, and entertain in the community we work in.
Serving with Humility - Proverbs 11:2 says “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom”. Mark 9:35 says sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Whoever wants to be first, must take last place and be the servant of everyone else”. These two scriptures guide what this practice is. We will serve others with respect, humility and patience. It is a privilege that parents entrust their children with us and we are grateful and honored with that revered responsibility.
Embracing Diversity - We will purposely provide a diverse environment amongst our company, the office and our employees. We will encourage people from all backgrounds to become part of our company from top to bottom. The advisors, consultants, and partnerships affiliated with CPE will be diverse and include minority and female owned companies. We will welcome all families and treat others with respect and dignity no matter their nationality, color, race, gender, sexual orientation, wealth, station in life, or class.
Resolute Integrity - The value of honesty, honor and having strong moral principles is necessary to earn trust amongst our patients and their families. We consider it a privilege to take care of your child, so parents need to understand our moral uprightness and fortitude.
Sustained Enthusiasm - We will serve our patients and their families with a purpose driven zeal and energy. In everything we do, we will give it 110% and go the extra mile if needed to ensure we are giving our fellow employees, patients and families our greatest effort.
Importance of Ingenuity - We will be original, inventive, and innovative our practice. We will use imagination and creativity to ensure the best for our patients. We will pursue the latest and most effective entity to benefit our patients and their families.
CPE Mission Statement
We are a diverse family centered, community based pediatric group. We consider all of our patients needs, as well as, their families. We will take responsibility for your child as if he/she were our child. Our primary goal is to make a collective effort with the family to raise their child to be the healthiest, brightest and best person that GOD intends them to be. It takes a village to raise a child and we want to be part of the village. Lastly, our promise is to give 110% at whatever we do!! From top to bottom, we believe in the scientific medical practice of Pediatrics, we believe in the teachings of our savior Jesus Christ to lead us, and we also believe in Excellence.
CPE Company Promise to Employees
CPE will provide a gratifying work environment with encouragement for healthy teamwork, learning and personal growth. Employees will be provided the same dignity, concern, honor, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every patient and their families. CPE wants to be a positive influence on our employees. Our policies, procedures and benefits will support this goal.
CPE Purpose
Doctor Derek K. Johnson will use his blessed calling by GOD to create and preserve a company that helps and guides families in raising healthy children to adulthood mentally, emotionally, and physically.
CPE Employee Promise
To be determined by the employees of CPE